Healthcare Leadership and Management Development Institute

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“We are a knowledge based network organization symbolizing the 21st century paradigm inthe healthcare industry.”

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Happiness and maintenance of the relative state of well-being Learning translated into the most important measurable asset of development Management and Total Leadership for achieving synergy Development in an Optimized and Sustainable Manner Inspired and Inspiring attitude

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We believe in a responsive economy and healthcare system We live with the future, and enact the future   We believe in ourselves as the leaders of change We are a part of the global healthcare system and we stand for common values


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We see our role as leaders of socio-economic transition towards a knowledge based healthcareindustry, in line with WHO’s understanding, an industry which is “effective” in promoting therelative state of people’s socio-psychological, socio-economic and physical well-being.

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Monday, 01 April 2024 23:23

15th Anniversary TIIPS4Wellbeing Governance 16-20October 2024


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The 15th Anniversary event of HLMDI (The Health Leadership and Management Development Institute) TIIPS4Well-being Governance Congress

Pécs and Munich: October 16-20, 2024

The event will be marking the 15th Anniversary of HLMDI (Health Leadership and Management Development Institute)  founded in 2008 in the city of Pécs within the framework of a congress which will be covering alongside the scientific conference stream , a parallel sustainable well-being related showcase -exhibition stream with Socio-Environmental Innovations, Community and Community Governance related Innovations including intergenerational diaspora well-being , Business Innovations, , Public sector Innovations including sustainable and healthy cities, Cross-Boarder -Local Industrial and Commercial Association Innovations , student and researcher initiatives exhibition.

The platform foundation event has received the support of the leadership of the local chamber of commerce and the Enterprice European Network for implementing its model of co-creation via the B2Match B2B and B2R layers. The brochure of the event has been preesented by Mr.Zoltán Györffy the head of the relations of the University of Pécs at a recent Garden Party event of th Council in Munich.

In 2017, HLMDI hosted The European-American Migration Health platform building event in the city of Pécs with the contributions of Global Cleveland, Ohio University, Case Western University, University of Toledo, University of Pécs, Indiana Universiyt of Pennsylvania, NAKMI, University of Amsterdam.  Topics related to the American -Hungarian Diaspora studies, especially across rural Ohio  were complied during a field trip by representatives of HLMDI and the University of Pécs. The trip followed a comparative investigation on the West Coast the cities of Seattle. Meetings were built around the topics of religion-ethnicity-inter generational diaspora network development.  The importance of ethnic  studies especially across the Appalachian and Snohomish regions gained focus during the visit. Farmer Frog a leading Non-Profit Organization well established around eco-social development around food and food access amongst vulnerable groups hosted the visit. The Jubilee event will be extending this initiative .

The “Department of Migration Health Training and Education” within the Institute of Public Health Medicine of the School of Medicine of the University of Pécs in collaboration with the “Research Center for Social Inclusion and Social Economy” based at the Faculty of Humanities together with other disciplines at the University will be acting as the promoting and  supporting engines of the event.

The International Congress will be leaning on two mutually complimentary pillars:

A Conference Pillar or stream covering scientific presentations, symposium , seminar sections .

An Innovation Exhibition Pillar or stream covering : Business and Social Innovation showcase competitions, Cities, Communities and Network Service exhibitions as well as workshops, network building and co-creative best practice sharing sessions.

The main focus of the Congress will be around the challenging field of bringing together Trans-disciplinary, Trans-Sectoral, Trans-Continental stakeholders through engaged , trust-based , co-creative governance of virtual innovation platforms and city based communities of practice built for Sustainable Well-being.

The experiences of the city of Cleveland in using the Appreciative Inquiry Summit,  the ESG model of Governance and within this model SMART and Circular Supply Chain models have been adopted in the design of the sessions and complimentary streams

Day 1 Reception Gala by the Mayor of Pécs after a City Tour Program (Pécs)

Day 2 Predominantly established around FOODSHED in the WATERSHED (Pécs)


DAY 4 Circular Supply Chain Governance (Munich)

"Global Sustainable Health and Well-being through Technology Driven,Trans-sectoral and Collaborative Governance Models"

TIIPS4Well-being Congress

Fostering Trans-Sectoral Integration of Innovation Platforms for Sustainable Health and Wellbeing through Environmental, Social and Governance for Health  (ESG)

- The implications of ESG-driven  SMART Well-being in linkage with the Blue Economy Paradigm (Günter Pauli), Circular Economy (Ellen McArthur), the Doughnut Economy (Kate Raworth): Empowering trans-sectoral collaboration through Global Innovation Platforms and local Communities of Practice

- Best Practices in Trans-sectoral Engagement: Appreciative Inquiry for trust based social co-innovation capacity building within the complex systems and the NEXUS

The Center For Appreciative Inquiry - Certification, Events, & Directory

-Cybersecurity, Cyber-bullying within the context of e-governance and ESG

- The advances in the field of ESG and the implications pertaining to Digital Health with a view to Sustainable Occupational Health of the Glob Sustainable  Well-being through Decent jobs (SDGS8), international workforce mobility health screening, diversity, and inclusive measures for optimizing consistent mental and physical well-being according to age group and background. Related to the topic of workplace well-being, the event also highlights the new role and importance of corporate social policy.

Migration, Sustainable Development and the 2030 Agenda | IOM

- The Governance of geographical as well as virtual (a-spatial) socio -economic innovation network NEXUS from the global sustainability perspective: The importance of Advanced Governance Models for building " Trans-Sectoral Communities of Practice and Innovation Platforms" for in line with the above

- Facilities brought by e-governance for geographical as well as non geographical NEXUS empowerment

SMART, Sustainable, Resilient and Healthy Cities within the framework of the Quintuple Helix Governance model: The important built environment management for improving citizen well-being. Engaging stakeholders through Sustainable Health Governance and Governance for Health and Well-being models

Goal 11 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs (un.org)

Urban climate-health governance: Charting the role of public health in large global city adaptation plans | PLOS Climate

- Sustainable Health Governance and  Climate Change

The Quintuple Helix innovation model: global warming as a challenge and driver for innovation | Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship | Full Text (springeropen.com)

Bridging the gap between circular economy and climate change mitigation policies through eco-innovations and Quintuple Helix Model - ScienceDirect

Fields involved:

  1. Community and Social studies including Social Economics

Health Access amongst diverse groups ethnicities, aboriginals. Cities of Seattle, Everet, Athens-Ohio, Toledo.

2.Public Health Medicine including prevention and promotion of well-being , Medical pathways and medical practice within the realm of well-being governance

-Intercultural Ageing and Healthy Ageing vs. Cities and regions, European, Australian and American best practices in supporting governance for diverse communities and Newly Born

3. Engineering: Ergonomy and Well-being : Space , Built Environment and Well-Being : SMART ,Sustainable and Healthy Cities

4. Business and Economics including city branding in the field of well-being tourism : Cities of Pécs and Munich

5.Health Sciences including intercultural alternative medicine,health and education K-12 and higher education , Ohio -Pécs experiences in building the culture of insect based protein, adopting” balanced diet cultures”

6. Food related  Innovations including security and ethics related to the field, right to food amongst minorities,access and healthy life styles.American Indigenous food and ethics studies and case incidences

7. Human Resources and International Workforce Well-Being,  Hungarian American Inter-generational Diaspora Well-being

8.Innovations and Investments in Ecological Regeneration under the ESG

9. Eco-Tourism and Sustainable City Wellbeing Governance

10.The Role of Media Stakeholder Communication Strategies for Sustainable City Wellbeing Governance under the ESG

11.City and Place Marketing Strategies and Wellbeing Governance under the ESG

12.Sustainable and ESG based Investment in Placed based and Virtual  Co-Innovation Communities of Practice

Written by Gabriella Gombár


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