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Tudásalapú hálózatszervezet vagyunk, mely a 21.század egészségügy paradigmáját szimbolizálja.

HLMDI (angolból)

H – Boldogság és relatív jóléti állapot fenntartása. L – Tanulás, mely a legfontosabb mérhető tőkét adja a fejlődéshez

 M – Menedzsment és teljes körű vezetés a szinergia érdekében

 D – Fejlődés optimalizált és fenntartható módon

 I –Inspirált és inspiráló attitűd  


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2020 április 29. (szerda) 03:16

The First Wild Gingko e-book: Dietray response to Corona



On February 28, the first forensic anatomy of the remains of a coronavirus victim was undertaken by Professor Liu Liang from Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan. The following days saw a few more forensic anatomy procedures. The reports from these investigations showed that the deaths were caused by damage first to the lung, then to the liver, and finally to the kidneys and the heart.

The lung is vulnerable to outside attacks since one breathes nonstop. Ginkgo nuts have been regarded as a lung tonic in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), first stated in the pharmacopoeia Shen Nong Ben Cao (Magic Peasant Herb Medica), issued in 2800 Before Christ. They contain properties which may cure coughing, asthma.., and provide benefits for all kinds of lung problems.

The lung in TCM refers to the whole respiratory system, including air passages, the nose and even the skin (which performs micro breathing), besides the lung organ. By the way, my grand uncle happened to be a TCM doctor.

Eating ginkgo nuts will make the lung stronger and less vulnerable to virus. The nuts used to be reserved for the rich in ancient times. Today they are popular in Chinese or Oriental grocery stores.

A handful is enough for a single adult’s daily treatment. Some people, however, are sensitive to even thoroughly cooked nuts. If one is not sure, just start with a few nuts. For children there is a rule: the amount of ginkgo nuts a child can eat is equal to the age, i.e. for a 5-year-old, eat up to 5 nuts only.

The nuts contain compounds that can cause dizziness or symptoms similar to drunkenness. To remedy these symptoms, we villagers usually cook the hard shells of the nuts in water and drink the broth. To be safe, see the doctor promptly if symptoms occur.

I am the headman of a wild ginkgo hamlet in East China. We often eat ginkgo nuts. In our village, no case of coronavirus has occurred so far. And the next but one village has not been lucky. I am also a professional photographer. I have created the world-first wild ginkgo ebook. Taster https://jmp.sh/a0gPjCC

To know more about ginkgos is to know more about how to survive.

If ginkgo nuts are not available, second options are lily, white turnip, lotus seed, apricot, garlic, milk...

Generally speaking, white-colored foods direct more energy towards the lung than other colored foods, so consume white-colored foods when possible to support your lung.

The above foods are for reference only. The same type of produce from different origins may contain different percentages of active properties.

Dietary response is a plus. Daily nutrition and personal prevention measures when going out are always necessary.

After initial panic, life will begin its conservative mode. Although our feet cannot go far, our mind always travels free. Time to take care of our family, to study or to meditate. More babies, scholars and philosophers will surface after the crisis.




http://finance.chinanews.com/gn/2020/03-06/9116567.shtml (in Chinese

Írta: Gabriella Gombár


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