2017 július 13. (csütörtök) 07:33

Self Efficacy: extended date



Program Title:

Certificate of Self-Efficacy  in the Context of Migration and Healthcare

Entry Criteria

Admission by July 19th

Successful Screening Interview and submitted questionnaire on competencies , Integration Project Idea,  Pre-Admission Counselling(2a) ,Motivation Letter


Prof.Titl. Dr.István Szilárd

Co-Director :

Dr.Kia Goolesorkhi



E-Mail:  Ez az email cím védett a spam robotoktól, a megtekintéséhez engedélyezni kell a Javascriptet.

Mobile: +36 30 387 12 46 (office)

+36 30 747 22 51 (private)


Ez az email cím védett a spam robotoktól, a megtekintéséhez engedélyezni kell a Javascriptet.

Mobile: +36 209574021




Overview :


Capacity Building programs helping  Managed Migration sit at the center of the design of research, consulting and educational programs offered by our Multi-Disciplinary expert team of MIGRATION HEALTH experts


Research has shown a high “catch up time” in the case of non-European and especially Eastern and Southern Continental migrants coming to Europe for work and study. The consequences have negative economic, mental , physiological outcomes for all stakeholders and in the long run even legal problems due to failed integration and the marginalization of the migrant


Research has proven that “managed migration” can not only help in reducing the so-called ‘catch-up’ time of the new entrants  but can also help in accelerating the speed of reaching “productive hours” and promote the overall psycho-social well-being of the host and migrants.


The career wide programs are designed for those seeking success in language competencies, international life skills , improved edge at the educational ,professional and on-job development skills development in Hungary and the EU. The programs are offered at under grad pre-entry, post-grad pre-entry, doctoral and post-doctoral pre-entry levels. The programs include job placement and employability courses, on-job integration training for the newly hired as well as the professionals seeking self-efficacy in their work and life contexts


Partner Universities and their Educators as well as leading non-academic Experts have been involved in the design and delivery of the programs


The  Migration and Integration Capacity Building programs of the Nobilite Career Development and Integration College (NCIC) are designed to assist “managed mobility” in supporting a synergistic and mutually productive co-existence between the migrant stakeholders namely migrant, her/his family, peers from the same culture on the one hand and the  host stakeholders by a team of internationally certified and active experts in the field of migration and integration health


The Health and Public Heath Aspects of Migration enjoy the highest priority in the domain of Mobility, Migration and Integration, therefore the participants of the various programs of the NCIC are sensitized regarding these aspects .In addition areas of MANAGED MIGRATION, INTER CULTURAL and INTERPROFESSIONAL Communication , Sustainable Healthcare Management, Migrant Self Efficacy and Employability, Social and Behavioural Aspects of Migration, Economic Aspects of Migration are delivered along an array of optional subjects in the fields of medicine, engineering, natural and social sciences as well as economics  Another  emerging area of focus includes Sustainable Development, Innovation and Migration. Healthy Rural and Urban Management , Architecture, Integrated Healthcare IT , Nurisng and Migration are offered to the participants


Sessions (weeks) :

Every week between JULY 24 th 2017 and FEB  10th. 2018 There is a high emphasis on field research and on-site activity .

Project paper  and presentations are delivered at three phases.

October  break:

(Co-ordination by Chair of the Student Affairs: Dr.Zoltán Katz, Ez az email cím védett a spam robotoktól, a megtekintéséhez engedélyezni kell a Javascriptet. )

Teaching days Mondays-Saturdays at the Migration Health premises (Kurt St.entrance building G)





On-site and field research

[15 chrs]

  • July 24: field activity and course project (1) Introduction to self-efficacy as an integration and co-learning skill, the design and expected outcomes of the program -Dr.Kia Goolesorkhi

[ field research activity]

  • July 25: FIELD ACTIVITY (2) international case incidences in health and public aspects of migration with a focus on the refugees stati and data Access in central asia , africa and iran (part 1) –Prof.Dr.István szilárd [ field research activity]
  • July 26: FIELD ACTIVITY(3) – community based action research contrastive analysis of concepts , models and cases in overseas  employability and self empoyment-Dr.Kia Goolesorkhi
  • July 27: field activity and course project (4) culture of origin and self-awareness, basics of effective communication in multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary contexts-Dr.Kia Goolesorkhi

[ field research activity]

  • July 31: field activity(5) international case incidences in health and public health aspects of migration with a focus onthe refugee stati and data Accessibility  in central asia , africa and iran (part 2) –Prof.Dr.István Szilárd [ field research activity]




[15 chrs]

  • August 01: the importance of migrant and public  health related data integration and data management Prof.Dr.István Szilárd

[ field research activity 6]

  • August 02: the significance of dissemination for evidence based policy making and integrated stakeholder decisionmaking(1) [Dr.Zoltán Katz]  
  • August  03: the significance of dissemination for evidence based policy making and integrated stakeholder decisionmaking(2) – who’s goals  and the phame newsletter [Dr.Zoltán Katz]
  • August  04: the business environment in the eu.opportunities for self-employment and employment ofcompetent –skilled migrants[Dr.Szabolcs Fekete]
  • August 05: english language for academic purposes –analyzing news implications who’s PHAME newsletter –Mr.Ádám Lajtai




[12 CHRS]

  • August 07: business in eu –success factors in the area of Health and sustainability related tenders-[Dr.Szabolcs Fekete]
  • August 08: understanding the culture and history of ethnic minorities in old and modern  hungary (1)
  • August 09: understanding the culture and history of ethnic minorities in hungary and the carapathian basin(2)
  • August 10: employment and self-employment  opportunities in hungary-a pharma industry perspective(1)-[Dr.Zoltán Katz]




[12 CHRS]

  • August 14: presentation skills for self-efficacy concept and practice(1)-Dr.Kia Goolesorkhi
  • August 15: presentation skills for self-efficacy concept and practice(2)-Dr.Kia Goolesorkhi
  • August 16: inter-cultural communication and mediation a hungarian per (1)-Mrs.Gabriella Gombar






  • august 21: personal sales as  a key to self-efficacy and self awareness in multi-professional and multi-cultural contexts of healthcare (1) (dr.Kia goolesorkhi)
  • august 22 : english language  for academic purposes analyzing phame news (3)-10-12:00,13:-17:00
  • august 23: inter-cultural communication and mediation a hungarian per (1)-mrs.gabriella gombar
  • august 24: pre.mirigration and integration programs-[prof.dr.istvan szilard]
    august 25: english language  for academic purposes analyzing phame news (2)-10-12:00,13:-17:00




[9 CHRS]

  • august 28: sustainable urban design and the architecture of healthy cities (1)
  • august 29: healthy and smart building architecture (1)
  • august 30: healthy and smart building architecture(2)






  • september 01 : english language  for academic purposes research and reporting skills as a pillar of self efficacy (2)-[10-12:00,13:-17:00]
  • september 05: Principles of Molecular & Cellular Biology (1)
  • september 08  Principles of Molecular & Cellular Biology (2)





  • september 11: General Chemistry from an inter-disciplinary  perspective
  • september 12 :General Psychology, self -efficacy  and integration(1)
  • september 14 :Elements of Sociology within the context of integration(1)
  • september 15: Mammalian Physiology and its tradition related implications
  • september 16: english language  for academic purposes research and reporting skills as a pillar of self efficacy (3)-[10-12:00,13:-17:00]




  • september 18:organismal biology
  • september 19: biochemistry and interdisciplinary learning Business opportunities in central europe (2)
  • september 22: organic chemistry (1)




  • september 25: health systems and migration (prof.dr.szilárd istván)
  • september 26: cases in global health systems management (dr.kia goolesorkhi)
  • september 27: cases in social and behavioral aspects of migration-a self efficacy perspective (prof.Dr.barath arpad )
  • september 29: organic chemistry (2)




  • october 02: cases in global health systems management-a self efficacy perspective (dr.kia goolesorkhi)
  • october 03: cases in human trafficking from an eu perspective –a self efficacy perspective (1)
  • october 04 : intro to med lab within the context of evidence based medicine in the field of migration health (prof.dr.emody )
  • october 06 intro to med lab within the context of evidence based medicine in the field of migration health (prof.dr.emody )




  • october 09: international etiquette and self efficacy (1)
  • october 10: speaker audience communication from a self-efficacy perspective (1)
  • october 13:mid-term comprehensive exam.

OCT 16-23

fall BREAK




  • october 23:advances in interdisciplinary learning (1)-dr.kia goolesorkhi
  • october 24:cases in health systems management
  • october 25 : eu law for non eu citizens  (1) notes from working with the immigration office
  • october 27: international etiquette and self efficacy (2)
  • october 28: intercultural speaker audience communication (1)






  • october 30: advances in interdisciplinary learning (2)-dr.kia goolesorkhi
  • october 31: : business and human resource development in hungary and eu for medical and  non medical foreign graduates(Dr. Kia Goolesorkhi )





  • november 01: eu driven business and placement opportunities for medical and non medical graduates (1)
  • november 02: eu driven business and placement opportunities for medical and non medical graduates (2)
  • november 06: personal selling and selfe-efficacy within the context of migration and integration (1)
  • november 07: personal selling and selfe-efficacy within the context of migration and integration (2)
  • november 08:eu driven opportunities in the field of pharmacy (1)
  • november 10: eu driven opportunities in the field of pharmacy(2)

Inclusive and integrated governance (Mrs.Zsofia Pasztor)





  • november 13: intercultural mediation from a hungarian perspective (1)-notes from working with the immigration office
  • november 14: public  health assessment amongst diverse ethnicities (Prof.Dr.Istvan Kiss)
  • november 15:cases in prevention and integration (Prof.Dr.Istvan Szilard)
  • november 17: english language for academic presentation (1)







  • november 20: Business opportunities in dentistry from a hungraian and eu perspective(2)
  • november 21: advances in social and behavioral aspects of migration(Prof.Dr.Barath Arpad )
  • november 22: public  health assessment amongst diverse ethnicities (Dr.Istvan Kiss)
  • november 24: occupational health for non eu citizens




  • november 27: cases in hungarian immigration procedures within the context of for non european citizens(1)- notes from working with the immigration office
  • november 28: advances in social and behavioral aspects of migration(Prof.Dr.Barath Arpad )
  • november 29: medical IT for medical and non medical mananegers and professionals
  • november 30: the historical and geographical map of hungary (1)





  • december 04:the principles of managed migration(1)-Prof.Dr.Istvan Szilard
  • december 05: the principles of managed migration(2)-Prof.Dr.Istvan Szilard
  • december 06: cases in human trafficking
  • december 08: women ,migration and sustainable global health





  • december 11: cases in hungarian immigration procedures within the context of for non european citizens(2)- notes from working with the immigration office
  • december 12: reflective overview discussion





  • January 08:principles of global fundraising within the context of managed migration
  • January 09:epidemiology ,trafficking and managed migration
  • January 10:migrant friendly health systems in practice prof.dr.istvan szilard
  • January 12 the historical and geographical map of hungary (2)

22. January




  • January 15: fund raising within the context of managed migration
  • January 16: sustaianable health in light of global tenders and eu tenders are they opportunities?(1)
  • January 17: sustaianable health in light of global tenders and eu tenders are they opportunities?(2)
  • January 19 migrant friendly health systems in practice Prof.Dr.Istvan Szilard
  • January 20 :language competencies for presentational purposes


23. January



  • January 22: cases in hungarian immigration procedures within the context of for non european citizens(3)- notes from working with the immigration office
  • January 23: reflections on KSAOs: calculus for intedisciplinary learners
  • January 24: reflections on KSAOs:chemistry and oragnic chemistry
  • January 26: reflections on KSAOs:med lab
  • January 27:reflections on KSAOs: biology






  • January 30: reflections on KSAOs: anatomy
  • January 31: reflections on KSAOs: physics





  • february 05







  • February 07

comprehensive  retake day




  • february 10


Learning Min Outcomes:


This certificate program is built around 12 major areas and focuses on promoting the knowledge regarding the self-cultural exclusives as well as those of the host context Hungary from a Migration and Healthcare perspective offering best practices for achieving “participatory integration” for a win-win-win outcome helping the individual ,the families and the host culture Hungary and its extended context within the EU ..

Learning Min Outcomes:


Co-learning and interdisciplinary learning, diversity learning ,intercultural communication, self-efficacy, appreciative inquiry, global health, participatory research, foundation English, auto ethnography and multi-cultural ethnography

Teaching and Learning Strategies:

The co-research through co-training design motivates self learning,and co-learning with the aim of co-creation The mix of lectures, seminars, and consultations. Focus is given to both individual and group work of the students.

Assessment Scheme:

(51% needed for a pass!)

Class  participation and semester papers                                                   20%,

Integration plan 25 A4 pages and 15 min presentation                             30%

Reflective overview and  panel discussion                                                20%

Comprehensive exam                                                                                  30%

Core Learning Materials:

Submitted by the professors Refer to your handbook



  • http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/health-determinants/migration-and-health
  • Penninx, R., D. Spencer and N. Van Hear (2008) Migration and Integration in Europe: the State of Research. A report commissioned by the ESRC. Published at http://www.compas.ox.ac.uk/publications/Reports.shtml

Discover the world's research

Migration and Integration in Europe: The State of Research (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237539737_Migration_and_Integration_in_Europe_The_State_of_Research [accessed Jul 11, 2017].


The Integration Foundation


Írta: Gabriella Gombar