Saturday, 09 August 2008 00:32




HLMDI is a knowledge based organization that sees screening , selecting and sharing publications of members, strategic partners,leaders and experts a key dimension of its mission towards reducing asymmetry of knowledge and information amongst the stakeholders

See selected articles:

HLMDI's co-creation platforms havebeen jointly designed and governed by Breakthrough Co..The platforms have benefited from  process developed for extracting and producing best practices, learner reflection case studies through methods of Participatory Action Research (PAR) and Appreciative Inquiry (AI)

Appreciative Inquiry Methodology

"When is it that the best in human systems comes out most naturally and easily--especially in collective action, planning and design initiatives encompassing regions and cities, extended enterprises, industries and UN-level world summits?"

The positive arc of systemic strengths: how appreciative inquiry and sustainable designing can bring out the best in human systems
Author(s): David L. Cooperrider and Michelle McQuaid .
Source: The Journal of Corporate Citizenship.


Appreciative Inquiry

Summary of the Principles of Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry 2

Whitney & Trosten-Bloom, 2010, pp. 1015-1016.